Community Partnership Application

To become a Community Partner, the nonprofit, faith based organization, or a community development organization must meet the following qualifications. Failure to meet these standards will result in the denial of a Community Partnership request:
  1. Provide a physical address located in the City of Detroit that can receive mail.
  2. Have an active Articles of Incorporation (if applying as a faith based organization your purpose must state ecclesiastical).
  3. Have a federally tax exempt 501c3 status.
  4. Be current on all property taxes with the Wayne County Treasurer.
  5. Not have any blight violations or fines in the City of Detroit.

Name of Applicant Organization

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Primary Contact Person

Please answer the following questions regarding your organization:

  • Choose File ...
  • These 4 streets should bound the area (up to a 5-mile radius) that you hope to impact through your project.

    Before purchasing properties through the Community Partnership Program, your organization will be required to submit a development plan.

  • 0%

Terms and Conditions

  1. The DLBA has the sole discretion as to whether to approve a Community Partnership and issue a Community Partnership Certificate. The DLBA reserves the right to decline a Community Partnership with any group where the DLBA is not convinced of the prospective Community Partner’s financial and organizational ability to fulfill their proposed project.
  2. A Community Partner may not act as a straw-buyer in order to immediately transfer property to a for-profit entity in contrary to the purpose of Community Partnership Program.
  3. If a Community Partner is found to do this, the DLBA may terminate the Community Partnership.
  4. The geographic target area is not exclusive to an individual Community Partner, but rather will likely overlap with other Community Partners’ geographic target areas. Competing requests will be prioritized first by demonstration of sufficient financial and organizational capacity and then in a first come, first served manner.
  5. The DLBA reserves the right to refuse sale without cause and will do so in writing to the Community Partner. In the event that the DLBA changes its mind and ultimately refuses to sell property pursuant to a Community Partner project already approved by the Detroit City Council, the DLBA will notify the Detroit City Council of that decision in writing simultaneously upon notifying the Community Partner. The DLBA shall provide such notification to the Detroit City Council through the Office of the Detroit City Clerk.
  6. Properties will be addressed on a first come, first served basis.
  7. All Community Partner projects that propose a large acquisition of 10 or more DLBA-owned properties will require the approval of the DLBA Board and must comply with any review requirements established by the Detroit City Council.
  8. Staff guidelines will provide for an efficient and effective method to accommodate requests to “hold” properties for a reasonably limited period of time and for a specified purpose.
  9. “Holding” property means reserving property in the DLBA’s inventory for a designated party to allow time for the commencement and/or completion of due diligence.
  • The above named organization is applying to the Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) to be approved as a Community Partner to help speed the reuse of abandoned property in the city of Detroit, pursuant to the DLBA’s Community Partnership Policy.

    I understand that for my organization to be considered for partnership, all outstanding application documents must be emailed to [email protected] within 14 days of submitting this application.

    Please click Submit once and await confirmation that your application was received successfully.