Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The DLBA currently auctions 2 homes everyday online at
  2. Auction homes are listed with an auction date and are available for bidding for an 8-hour window on the DLBA’s website. Auction homes are sold to the highest bidder.
  3. Auction homes have been cleared out and secured by the DLBA and are sold with clear title
  4. Buyers are required to rehab Auction houses after purchase and ensure that they are occupied
  1. The DLBA only sells property to buyers who satisfy the following eligibility requirements:
    1. Buyers must be Michigan residents (or residents of other states committed to moving to Detroit to occupy the property) or companies/organizations licensed to do business in Michigan AND
      1. Have no delinquent property taxes in Wayne County
        1. Unsure? Check here:
      2. Not lost property other than primary residence due to unpaid taxes in Wayne County in the past three years
      3. Have no outstanding blight violations or code violations with the City of Detroit
        1. Unsure? Check here:
      4. Are not currently in the midst of bankruptcy proceeding(s)
      5. Are compliant in any Nuisance Abatement proceeding(s)
      6. Meet DLBA compliance requirements
  1. Browse the Auction houses listed on the DLBA website. Note the sale dates.
  2. Tour the house you are interested in buying. Tours can be scheduled on the DLBA website and cost $35 dollars. Touring homes without approval will be considered trespassing.
  3. Review the compliance requirements for Auction properties here [Compliance FAQ]. Make a budget to ensure you are ready to complete a rehab project.
  1. Create an account on the DLBA website.
  2. Bidding will begin at 9am on the sale date. Bidding will close at 5pm, unless a bid is made after 4:55pm. In those cases, the bidding window will be extended for 5 minutes after each bid. For example, if someone bids at 4:59, bidding will be extended until 5:04.
  3. Place a bid on the house you are interested in. Bidding begins at $1000 and must increase in increments of $100.
  4. When you bid on a property, the DLBA will place a $1000 hold on your credit card. This will be released if you do not win the auction. If you are the winner of the auction, the $1000 will be charged as a nonrefundable deposit.
  5. Monitor bidding to make sure you have not been outbid. If you cannot actively bid, proxy bidding is available. The maximum bid you enter will be hidden from others and cannot be deleted or lowered.
  1. If you win the bid on an Auction house, you will receive an email from the DLBA within 1-3 business days. After receiving this email, you will then receive a welcome call from the DLBA to congratulate you on your purchase and to confirm your information so the DLBA can run an eligibility check. You will be given an overview of the DLBA process and given a chance to ask questions.
    1. At this point, corporations, organizations and LLCs will be asked to submit:
      1. Certificate of Good Standing
      2. Proof of incorporation/organization in Michigan
      3. List of all board members/partners with contact information (including home addresses)
    2. Joint ventures will be asked to produce all of these documents for all entities involved.
  2. If you win the bidding on an Auction house, your credit card will be charged $1000 dollars as a nonrefundable deposit. If you were not the winner of the Auction, the $1000 hold on your card will be released.
  3. After passing your eligibility check, you will receive your Purchase Agreement.
  4. After receiving your Purchase Agreement, read it closely, sign, and return it to the DLBA within 3 days. If the winning bid on your house was greater than $10,000, you will be required to pay an additional fee to make your deposit equal to 10% of the bid price. For example, if the winning bid on your home was $15,000, you will be responsible for paying a deposit of $1,500 dollars—10% of your bid.
    1. Notary services are available at the DLBA Offices (500 Griswold) Monday-Friday from 9-12pm and 3-5pm
  1. After the DLBA has countersigned your Purchase Agreement, you will be contacted by your closing specialist. This closing specialist will schedule your closing with one of the DLBA’s title partners.
  2. You will close within about 30 days of your Purchase Agreement being countersigned.
  1. In addition to paying the remaining sale price on your property, you should be prepared to pay the following estimated closing costs:
    1. Closing/Title fees: $450
    2. Recording fee: $30
    3. Tax certification fee: $25
  2. Note: These are only estimates and are subject to change. If you are obtaining financing from a lender you should anticipate closing costs from your lender. You will receive an itemized invoice at your closing.
  3. You will receive the title and Quit Claim Deed for your property
  4. You will sign a Reconveyance Deed acknowledging forfeiture for failure to fulfil compliance requirements
  1. After closing on your Auction property, you will move into the DLBA’s compliance process. You will be responsible for demonstrating that you are making appropriately paced, good faith efforts to rehab your property and ensure that it is occupied. Learn about the details here [Compliance FAQ].
  1. Own it Now (OIN) homes are available on the DLBA website for sale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may place an offer on any OIN home at any time.
  2. OIN homes are often listed on the website in response to direct inquiries from residents. Want to make an inquiry on a DLBA home? Call 1-844-BUY-DLBA .
  3. Homes are sold as is. They have not been cleaned out and have not been secured.
  4. Buyers are required to rehab the houses and ensure that they are occupied.
  1. The DLBA only sells property to buyers who satisfy the following eligibility requirements:
    1. Buyers must be Michigan residents (or residents of other states committed to moving to Detroit to occupy the property) or companies/organizations licensed to do business in Michigan AND
      1. Have no delinquent property taxes in Wayne County
        1. Unsure? Check here:
      2. Not lost property other than primary residence due to unpaid taxes in Wayne County in the past three years
      3. Have no outstanding blight violations or code violations with the City of Detroit
        1. Unsure? Check here:
      4. Are not currently in the midst of bankruptcy proceeding(s)
      5. Are compliant in any Nuisance Abatement proceeding(s)
      6. Meet DLBA compliance requirements
  1. Browse the OIN houses listed on the DLBA website.
  2. Tour the house you are interested in buying. Tours can be scheduled on the DLBA website and cost $35 dollars. Touring homes without approval will be considered trespassing.
  3. Review the compliance requirements for OIN properties here [Compliance FAQ]. Make a budget to ensure you are ready to complete a rehab project.
  1. Create an account on the DLBA website and place an offer on the home you’re interested in. Your offer must match or exceed the minimum price set by the DLBA.
  2. After you make an offer, other buyers will have 72 hours to enter their own offers on the property. All offers are hidden, so you won’t know the size of the counter offers.
  1. If you placed the highest offer on an OIN house, you will receive an email from the DLBA within 1-3 business days. After receiving this email, you will then receive a welcome call from the DLBA to congratulate you on your purchase and to confirm your information so the DLBA can run an eligibility check. You will be given an overview of the DLBA process and given a chance to ask questions.
    1. At this point, corporations, organizations and LLCs will be asked to submit:
      1. Certificate of Good Standing
      2. Proof of incorporation/organization in Michigan
      3. List of all board members/partners with contact information (including home addresses)
    2. Joint ventures will be asked to produce all of these documents for all entities involved.
  2. If you are found eligible by the DLBA, you will be charged $1000 or 10% of your final sale price for a deposit. For example, if the winning offer on your home was $15,000, your deposit will be $1,500 dollars—equal to 10% of your offer.
  3. After paying your deposit, you will receive a copy of your Purchase Agreement in your email.
  4. After receiving your Purchase Agreement, read it closely, sign, and return it to the DLBA within 3 days. If you would like a DLBA notary to notarize your Purchase Agreement you may come to the DLBA offices (located at 500 Griswold) between 9-12pm and 3-5pm, Monday-Friday.
    1. Notary services are available at the DLBA Offices (500 Griswold) Monday-Friday from 9-12pm and 3-5pm
  1. 48 hours after the DLBA has countersigned your Purchase Agreement, you will be contacted by your closing specialist. This closing specialist will schedule your closing with one of the DLBA’s title partners.
  2. You will close within about 30 days of your Purchase Agreement being counter signed.
  1. In addition to paying the remaining sale price on your property, you should be prepared to pay the following estimated closing costs:
    1. Closing/Title fees: $450
    2. Recording fee: $30
    3. Tax certification fee: $25
  2. Note: These are only estimates and are subject to change. If you are obtaining financing from a lender you should anticipate closing costs from your lender. You will receive an itemized invoice at your closing.
  3. You will receive the title and Quit Claim Deed for your property
  4. You will sign a Reconveyance Deed acknowledging forfeiture for failure to fulfil compliance requirements
  1. After closing on your OIN property, you will move into the DLBA’s compliance process. You will be responsible for demonstrating that you are making appropriately paced, good faith efforts to rehab your property and ensure that it is occupied. Learn about the details here [Compliance FAQ].

A Side Lot is a piece of residential vacant land that measures 7,500 square feet or less. Side Lots are adjacent to (share a property line with) occupied homes. Additional criteria can be found here.

The DLBA sells Side Lots for $100 each. If the lot has a structure on it (garage, shed, gazebo, or similar), the DLBA will sell the lot for $250. The DLBA accepts payments in the form of credit cards or money orders.

As shown in the diagram: the "house" represents your home. In this example, you could purchase any of the green lots. The yellow lots may be available for purchase at the DLBA's discretion, if the green lot between the house and the yellow lot was already purchased. None of the red lots would be eligible as Side Lots for your home.


The Detroit Land Bank Authority sells Side Lots to neighbors. To purchase a Side Lot, you must:

  1. Own a house that shares a property line with the Side Lot. Your home may be across the alley from a Side Lot, but not across the street. The house must be occupied.
    1. Be current on your property taxes or in compliance with your tax payment plan.
    2. If you are buying a Side Lot adjacent to a house you purchased from the DLBA through the Auction or Own it Now program, you must have achieved compliance and received your certification of Compliance Achieved from the DLBA first.

If you are interested in buying vacant land but you don’t meet the eligibility requirements for the Side Lot program, you will need to apply for a “Project Purchase.” You can find more information [[here]].

You can check to see if a lot adjacent to your home is for sale by searching your property address under the “Purchase a Side Lot” tab on Additionally, every time a new Side Lot is listed for sale the DLBA sends a postcard to every neighbor who might be eligible to purchase.

If you live near a vacant lot that you are interested in purchasing, first check to see if the DLBA owns the lot. You can check ownership of a lot on the City's property tracker. If we do own the lot and it isn’t available for sale, give us a call at 313-974-6869 or email [email protected] to make a purchase inquiry.

Yes. In order to do so, you will need to do the following:

  1. On your application, indicate that you are an “organizational buyer.”
  2. Apply for the lot with the name of your organization/business. The name on the deed of the house must match the name on the Side Lot application. If you own a house as “Lopez Property Management LLC,” the application for the Side Lot must be in the same name.

If there are multiple, eligible applications for a lot within 10 days of the first complete application, the DLBA will give preference to the applicant whose home is street adjacent to the Side Lot.

The DLBA hosts several Side Lot Sale events each year. These Sales events are a chance for residents to buy in person and ask the DLBA staff questions. Before each Side Lot sale, the DLBA will send a postcard to every home potentially eligible to purchase a Side Lot inviting them to the event. You must make an account on the DLBA website and apply for your desired lot before attending these events.

  • The DLBA will upload the Quit Claim Deed of your new property to your online account as soon as possible after your purchase.
  • If the Side Lot has a Michigan State Housing Development Authority lien on it, the DLBA will file the required paperwork on your behalf and notify you when the lien has been released. This process can take up to a year.

"Within 45 days of closing ALL property owners must file a Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) with the City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor. You can find the PTA form here here

City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor accepts documents in-person and electronically.

Email your documents to: [email protected]. You will receive an email confirming receipt of documents

In Person Address:
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
2 Woodward Avenue - Suite 130 Detroit, MI 48226

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Have Questions? Feel free to contact the office via phone at (313) 224-3035, 8:00 a.m.-4:00p.m., or email directly at [email protected]

Yes. If you are interested in combining a DLBA purchased property with a privately held or privately purchased property you will likely need apply to the DLBA for a 5/50 tax waiver before you can go to the City Assessor’s office to begin the process of combining the property. Call the DLBA office at 313-974-6869 and tell Client Services you are interested in getting a 5/50 waiver. The DLBA will do the paperwork and file it with the assessor’s office on your behalf.

A Neighborhood Lot is a piece of vacant land up to 7,500 square feet and is within 500 feet of an occupied home. Additional criteria and exclusions can be found here.

The DLBA sells Neighborhood Lots for $250 each. The DLBA accepts payments in the form of credit cards or money orders.

Each household may buy up to two (2) Neighborhood Lots.

The Detroit Land Bank Authority sells Neighborhood Lots to residents of an occupied home within 500 feet of the lot. To purchase a neighborhood lot, an applicant must:

  1. Own a home within 500 feet of the Neighborhood Lot with a current Principal Residence Exemption (PRE)
  2. Be current on property taxes or in compliance with tax payment plan on all property owned in Detroit
  3. Be in good standing with any agreements with the DLBA
  4. Have not already purchased two Neighborhood Lots
  5. Have the endorsement of an approved Neighborhood Lot Endorser (see question below for more information).

A Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) is a property tax designation managed by the City Assessor. To qualify for a PRE on a parcel of land, a person must be a Michigan resident who owns and occupies the property as a principal residence.

  1. Learn more about the Principal Residence Exemption (PRE):
  2. Office of the Assessor - (313) 224-3035

A Neighborhood Lot Endorser is a local or district stakeholder who will review and endorse sales through the Neighborhood Lot Program. Neighborhood Lot Endorsers can be:

  1. a local block club or a local neighborhood association, registered with the City’s Department of Neighborhoods
  2. a DLBA-approved, locally active Community Partner in good standing
  3. the local District-elected City Council Member or one of the At-Large City Council Members
  4. the local Department of Neighborhoods District Manager or Deputy District Manager

Once you apply to purchase a Neighborhood Lot, the DLBA will alert Neighborhood Lot Endorsers in your area to your application. These endorsers have 60 days to review and endorse the application. If you do not receive an endorsement within 60 days, your application will be rejected. You may choose to reapply or reach out to the endorsers directly.

If you are interested in buying vacant land that is not eligible for one of our vacant land sales programs, you will need to apply for a “Project” purchase. You can find more information here.

You can check to see if a lot near to your home is for sale by searching your property address here. This page can also be found by clicking the “Make a Purchase” tab, then “Neighborhood Lots,” on

If you live near a vacant lot that you are interested in purchasing, first check to see if the DLBA owns the lot. You can check ownership of a lot on the City of Detroit property tracker. If we do own the lot and it isn’t available for sale, give us a call at 313-974-6869 or email [email protected] to make a purchase inquiry. Please note - The Neighborhood Lots pilot launched on October 5th, 2020, with 250 lots. The DLBA will continue to list additional Neighborhood Lots based on the DLBA’s Vacant Land Policy.

No. Neighborhood Lots require a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) as part of the purchaser eligibility requirements. If you own an occupied residential house through an organization, you must apply to purchase the parcel through the “Projects” portal. Find more information here.

If there are multiple, eligible applications for a lot within 10 days of the first complete application, the DLBA will give preference to the applicant whose home is closest to the Neighborhood Lot.

  1. The DLBA will upload the Quit Claim Deed of your new property to your online account as soon as possible after your purchase.
  2. If the Neighborhood Lot has a Michigan State Housing Development Authority lien on it, the DLBA will file the required paperwork on your behalf and notify you when the lien has been released. This process can take up to a year, or longer.

"Within 45 days of closing ALL property owners must file a Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) with the City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor. You can find the PTA form here(hyperlink: here

City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor accepts documents in-person and electronically.

Email your documents to: [email protected]. You will receive an email confirming receipt of documents

In Person Address:
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
2 Woodward Avenue - Suite 130 Detroit, MI 48226

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Have Questions? Feel free to contact the office via phone at (313) 224-3035, 8:00 a.m.-4:00p.m., or email directly at [email protected] "

Yes. If you are interested in combining a property purchased from the DLBA with a privately held or privately purchased property, you will likely need to apply for a 5/50 tax capture waiver from the DLBA. Call the DLBA office at 313-974-6869 and tell Client Services you are interested in getting a 5/50 tax capture waiver. The DLBA will do the paperwork and file it with the City Assessor’s office on your behalf.

  1. What is a purchase agreement? A real estate purchase agreement is a legally binding agreement that defines the terms and conditions of your purchase.
  2. What is a title company? A title company verifies that the seller has the legal right to sell the property to a buyer. A title company also provides title insurance which protects you from financial loss and legal expenses in the event there is a defect in the title. Title insurance is much like your auto insurance. You may never have to use it, but certainly good to have.
  3. What does closing mean? It is the phase in the home-buying process when money and documents are transferred to transfer ownership of the property to the buyer.
  4. What is a closing date? It is the date ownership of the property is officially transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  5. What are closing costs? Closing costs are the fees you pay to finalize your purchase.
  6. What is a closing date? It is the date ownership of the property is officially transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  7. What is a Quit Claim Deed? A quit claim deed transfers the title of a property from one person to another. ***The Detroit Land Bank will quit claim the property to you. However, the Land Bank will retain interest in the property until you complete your renovations.