In celebration of Veterans Day, the Detroit Land Bank Authority is excited to announce a new Veterans Discount Program allowing eligible U.S. Veterans to receive a 50% discount on select  Auction  Properties. For specific details please view the Veteran Discount Purchaser information online by selecting Discounts under the Resources tab




City Council

Each quarter the DLBA submits a detailed progress report to Detroit City Council. In addition to filing these quarterly reports with the City Clerk's office and presenting them during a public committee session, we post them here for you to read and learn more about our programs, plans, and success. Quarterly reports contain detailed metrics and programmatic updates on our departments and finances. The DLBA recently held town hall meetings to help our citizens understand the MOU agreement between the City of Detroit and the Detroit Land Bank Authority. During these meetings, polls were conducted, and you can find the results at the following link.


City Council Quarterly Reports

The DLBA is committed to transparency. Here you'll find numbers of completed sales from our programs.